Thursday, July 28, 2022 What is Russia's Threat to the USA and UFO Update

Russia launched the largest Submarine in the World, What Threats do they Purpose?UFO UPDATEcontact

Friday, July 22, 2022 Trumpism a New Religion? Financial Cycles

Will Trumpism become a New Religion? Tarot Answers.What should We Know about the Current Financial Cycle?UFO Updatecontact john@johnstarot.netTelltale...

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 Relieving Chronic Stress and UFOs in Our Strategic Air Space

Relieving Chronic StressConclusion to what to do about the effects of Prolonged Fight or Flight.We have all been in High Alert due to COVID, time to m...

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 It's the End of a Major Cycle Congratulations You Made It!

A Discussion on Dealing with the End of a Major Life Cycle and Dealing with the Aftermath

Wednesday, June 29, 2022 Republican Party Strategy Regarding Jan 6 Committee

Tarot reveals the Republican Party Strategy on Jan 6 Committee HearingsAlso Will those Involved at the Top of the Organization be Held Accountablecont...