Saturday, September 24, 2022 Is Putin DESTABILIZING Russia? I ask the Tarot

Russia is recieving a Drubbing in Ukraine. Putin is activating a Draft for 300,000 more troops. His people where lead to believe they where winning.I ...

Thursday, September 22, 2022 Interview with Roseanne Kotzer

Roseanne is a experienced therapist and social worker who travels a spiritual path. Listed to her life experience.Visit http://www.johnstarot.netconta...

Saturday, September 17, 2022 Sophia Living in Deeper Harmony with the Conscious Planet

A bit more about my experience with the Goddess Sophia and her History with mankind.UFO UPDATEvisit http://www.johnstarot.netcontact john@johnstarot.n...

Friday, September 16, 2022 UFO UPDATE The Navy refuses to release ufo/uap video footage

The US Navy refuses to release UFO video footage sitting National Securityvisit http://www.johnstarot.netcontact

Friday, July 22, 2022 Trumpism a New Religion? Financial Cycles

Will Trumpism become a New Religion? Tarot Answers.What should We Know about the Current Financial Cycle?UFO Updatecontact john@johnstarot.netTelltale...