About John

Here I am going to post just a little bio and what brought me here. Lets begin in Mid 1989. My life was a complete and utter disaster. I was totally addicted to alcohol and drugs. The victim of my own thinking, actions and multi-generational alcoholism. I found myself unable to quit or change my life independently. I tried the Church, which for me was a dead end. I had a friend at the time who introduced me to Buddhism. It was a Nichrien sect which involved chanting as a form of prayer and meditation. The Buddhist told me I could pray for anything I wanted. So I did and had a prayer answered that day! I was amazed and baffled. This was my first introduction into any kind of real spirituality. Shortly thereafter another friend gave me a copy of the I CHING. She figured since I was interested in Buddhism, this would also interest me. She had no idea what it was. I also had no idea what this book was about, nor had I ever heard of such a thing. It took a while but eventually I figured it out. The I Ching is an Oracle. It has existed for thousands of years and comes to us from great antiquity. It is a source of profound wisdom and guidance to the seeker. It helped a great deal and eventually lead me out of that life. The interesting thing for me is, the I Ching found me I never looked for it. I have been a sober student of it’s wisdom ever since.

I eventually re-entered education. I earned a Associate of Arts degree in Human Services. I worked in Mental health for a few years. Then returned to school for Nursing Degree. I currently work as a RN at a local hospital on the ICU. Most likely to retire in a few years. It was about fifteen years ago I left Buddhism. I am just not cut out for organized religion, though it helped me immensely. I am a Seeker by nature. I was looking for a new Higher Power as a tool for my twelve step program. While solo backpacking in the High Sierra I had what is referred to as a spiritual experience. I gained a new understanding of a Higher Power that works for me and how I fit into the Universe. I currently think of myself as a Gnostic or more accurately an Independent.

Anyway about ten years ago the I Ching repeatedly expressed the idea, that there was more about me, then I realized. I mean repeatedly. So I started experimenting with different ideas. Shamanism caught my attention and I have had some training there. Divination exerted an influence on me and I learned how to read Nordic Runes. Then I experimented with Tarot and combined it with the Nordic Runes. Wow that really provided me some information.

I worked on ICU during the Pandemic, it was terrifying. I will not go into details here. But I was looking for a creative outlet. So I began JohnsTarot Podcast. I had posted some predictions regarding some of our elected officials. Some accurate some not so much. The issue regarding my gifts of Divination is, they allow you to see what’s “Behind the Curtain”. So out of a growing concern for the safety my family, I took everything down. It is a shame we can not freely express ourselves and our gifts without fear of reprisal.

Which brings me to Today. I will post at least weekly. I am trying to provide interesting guest. The topics are Paranormal, UFO/UAP, Spiritual, New Age, AI, Divination, Tarot, Nordic Runes, Up and coming New trends and science. I will steer away from politics. However I will provide strategies and insights to help survive the challenges that face us all in a new administration. It will be a rocky road for certain. However I survived the worst Pandemic in recent human memory and I am stronger as a result, and so are you. I survived in the most dangerous of all possible places. My Oracles helped guide me. They will continue to guide me. I will share that guidance with my listeners using Interviews and Readings.

If you would like to be a guest, contact me at John@johnstarot.net and we will do a internet interview.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message. Enjoy
